I love write about product and design
I really enjoy in flexing and experimenting with my writing skills with blogs, articles to communicate stories of different and interesting stories of design and people.
3d design
I explored my gaming passion by learning 3D rendering & game design
I love to play video games and was already curious how they are made. So that pushed me to learn 3D rendering and various tools - Blender, Substance, World builder, Unreal Engine, and several others.
Lots of different projects that explored where UX fits in
I love to experiment and flex my design skills with different mediums — whether it is Video games UX, Alternate reality mediums and more.
I give career consultation & mentoring to new designers…for free
Everyone that are coming to the domain needs help. So I share my knowledge and expertise with these people and show them ways of design at a nominal cost of 0.
I love to capture photos - real as well as fictional
I love to click pretty pictures, but why restrict to real locations, when we can capture beautifully created fictional worlds as well.
Mind, hands and colors…go everywhere
I like to experiment with colors, and wherever mind wanders off on the canvas.
Bonus: They can act as decor for my workstation as well.
Playing football & taking care of self is my other passion
I am a hardcore football fan, and same passion can be in my game as well. I play for corporate leagues.
If I am not playing, I workout and work on my body, because someone said "Heal the body, spirit will follow"